About Pharmatech
Our history
Pharmatech AS was founded in 1987. We are the leading producer of health supplements in Norway and Skandinavia.
We take our responsibility to our clients very seriously. Every product we manufacture is manufactured to the highest standards. Accordingly, expert product managers, nutritionists, chemists, herbalists, scientists, and formulators with years of experience are part of our team, further insuring that we create only top-quality products.
Our state-of-the-art comprehensive testing and R&D facilities ensures the end product quality and innovation.
Pharmatech approval number is ØF468 issued by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, in according with the HACCP principles.
We are approved for organic production, FDA registered, certified by CC/ISE and for sustainable fisheries MSC, ASC and
Friend of the Sea.
For Pharmatech, sustainability is about the entirety of the way we operate as a company, and how we choose to face our surroundings. This includes both create value for its people and society as well as empower and sustain the world for
generations to come.
On 1 July 2022, the Norwegian Transparency Act entered into force.
The Transparency Act requires companies to carry out due diligence assessments in respect of human rights and decent working conditions. The objective of the assessment is for the companies to identify, address and prevent any adverse impacts in their operations, supply chain or other business relationships.
For more information, please read the “åpenhetsloven” (in Norwegian only).
Under the Transparency Act, covered enterprises must report on their due diligence by 30 June each year:
- Report on the Transparency Act 2023: 19-06-2024​
If you are interested in learning more about Pharmatech private label contract manufacturing services and solutions,
please contact us.